A bit about the Lakeland Terrier breed

Lakeland is a dog with an active lifestyle. The main trait of their character is to always participate in everything that happens and to be constantly involved with their surroundings.

They are always ready for some kind of action, especially in a fun company. A Lakeland would love snuggling up to you, comfortably curled up on your knees. But as soon as you move, the dog will jump on its feet, look into your eyes, as if asking: “Where are we going? Exhibition? Training? To play? I’m ready to go anywhere, as long as it’s cool!”

They are happy to do Dog Agility and play Frisbee, accompany you on cycling trips, hike in the forest and by the lake, play games like ball and catch up with kids.

About breed one
О породе two

Most Lakelands get along well with other pets, especially if they are familiar from childhood (one exception are the rodents – here hunting instincts can take over). Around other dogs they behave with dignity. Lakelands also prefer to avoid conflicts, but if a fight is unavoidable, it can get quite serious. Like dogs of any breed, Lakelands require proper training. I noticed in them a feature that, on the one hand, facilitates the training process, and on the other, makes it challenging. They memorize everything from the very first time! Especially the things that can be profitable for them … So for a beginner it can be difficult in certain situations. There is a chance that the dog will start to “train” the owner.

In general, a Lakeland terrier is a dog for active people. And not only because of the terriers temperament – like other hard-haired breeds, their fur requires regular trimming. My dogs get trimmed every 2-3 weeks, which is necessary due to our constant trips and shows. However, many Lakeland owners successfully groom their dogs every two to three months. In any case the dog’s fur should always be clean and combed. Then, your walks will be accompanied will a lot of smiles and compliments from passersby- a well-groomed Lake looks so much like a cute clockwork toy! Also do not forget about regular (once a week) claw clipping, they grow very fast in Lakelands.

Lakelands are quite healthy. Like most terriers, they easily tolerate physical exercise and heat. On the other hand, they are not the biggest fans of the cold. They can be picky with food, which does not stop them from regularly asking for treats.


Стандарт FCI

  • ORIGIN: Great Britain.


  • UTILIZATION: Terrier.


    • Group 3 Terriers;
    • Section 1 Large and medium-sized Terriers;
    • Without working trial.

    NKU Picture Library

  • GENERAL APPEARANCE: Smart, workmanlike, well balanced and compact.

  • BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Gay, fearless demeanour, keen of expression, quick of movement, on the tip-toe of expectation. Bold, friendly and self-confident.

  • HEAD: Well balanced. Length of head from stop to tip of nose not exceeding that from occiput to stop.


    • Skull: Flat and refined.

    • Nose: Black, except in liver-coated dogs when the nose will be liver.
    • Muzzle: Broad, but not too long.
    • Jaws/Teeth: Jaws powerful. Teeth even with perfect, regular scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
    • Eyes: Dark or hazel. Slanting eyes undesirable.
    • Ears: Moderately small, V-shaped and carried alertly. Set neither too high nor too low on head.
  • NECK:Reachy, slightly arched, free from throatiness.

  • BODY:

    • Back: Strong, moderately short.
    • Loins: Well coupled.
    • Chest: Reasonably narrow.
  • TAIL: Previously customarily docked.

    • Docked: Well set on, carried gaily but not over back or curled.
    • Undocked: Well set on, carried gaily but not over back or curled. In overall balance with the rest of dog.
  • LIMBS:

    • Forequarters: Forelegs straight, well boned.
    • Shoulders: Well laid back.
    • Hindquarters: Strong and muscular.
    • Thighs: Long and powerful.
    • Stifles: Well turned.
    • Hocks: Low to ground.
    • Metatarsus: Straight.
    • Feet: Small, compact, round and well padded.
  • GAIT/MOVEMENT: Fore-and hindlegs carried straight forward and parallel. Elbows move perpendicular to body, working free of sides, stifles turning neither in nor out. Good drive coming from well flexing hindquarters.

  • COAT:

    • Hair: Dense, harsh and weather resisting with good undercoat.
    • Colour: Black and tan, blue and tan, red, wheaten, red grizzle, liver, blue or black. Small tips of white on feet and chest undesirable but permissible. Mahogany or deep tan not typical.

    • Height: Not exceeding 37 cm ( 14 1⁄2 ins) at shoulder.
    • Weight: Dogs 17 lbs (7,7 kg) ; bitches 15 lbs (6,8 kg).

    • Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
  • N.B.:

    • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.

    anatomical features

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